qPCR Template Standards

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Dnase1l3

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Plk1

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Slc22a1

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Zfp313

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Aqp8

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Osr1

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Trim62

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Fkbp10

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Metrnl

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Slc2a1

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Casp6

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Atp6v1a

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Nup153

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Hod

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Zfhx1b

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation