qPCR Template Standards

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene POLR2I

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene MMP16

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene PHF21B

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene GLUL

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Pps

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene ZCCHC10

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene NMI

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Srebf1

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene STAT5A

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene PPARG

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Mmp2

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene Icosl

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Mus musculus gene 9630058J23Rik

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene CDKN2A

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation

qPCR primer pairs and template standards against Homo sapiens gene CCKBR

Application Plasmid of exact quantity for transcript copy number calculation