
Antibody Diluent Solution

Aqueous mounting medium for preserving fluorescence of tissue and cell smears. This mounting medium is fortified with DAPI which is a counterstain for DNA.

Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue

D39-6 is a replacement of GB100007.

CNY 751.00


Pepsin Kit inlcudes buffer (RTU)

E06-50 is a replacement of GB300017.

CNY 1,121.00


AEC concentrated Kit (20x) for 2000 slides

Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue (non-rodent)

D37-6 is a replacement of GB100013.

Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for RABBIT antibody on human or animal tissue

Aqueous mounting medium for preserving fluorescence of tissue and cell smears

DAB+ (2 components) Kit

C09-12 is a replacement of GB300003.

Polink-2 Plus HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibody on human tissue

D41-6 is a replacement of GB100004.

Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE antibody on human or animal tissue (non-rodent)

Polink-1 HRP Polymer and AP polymer detection for MOUSE antibody on MOUSE tissue

D52-110 is a replacement of GB200003.

Polink-1 HRP Polymer Detection for MOUSE and RABBIT antibodies on human tissue

CNY 897.00


Aqueous Non-fluorescing Mounting Media

E01-18 is a replacement of GB300005.